Mission Statement

Mission Statement:


  • Marter Paranormal Research Team (M.P.R.T.) is dedicated to the scientific, logical and objective approach towards investigations into claims of paranormal activity.
  • Our team takes a professional and scientific approach to all investigations, seeking to exclude any natural, environmental or man-made causes for reported activity before making any determination regarding the paranormal.
  • We are an all-volunteer organization comprised of members with varied backgrounds with over 50 years of combined experience.
  • Cost
  • M.P.R.T. does not charge for its services nor will we accept any form of payment for services.


  • We maintain strict confidence if our clients do not wish to be publicly identified. Clients will have the option of what is posted, if anything. All personal information including names, addresses, and photos of clients are always removed.


  • Our primary goal is to provide support and assistance to anyone who fear they may be experiencing the effects of unwanted paranormal activity.
  • Our secondary goal is to further the field of paranormal research by way of collection, research, analysis and documentation of scientific data regarding alleged paranormal activity and comparing this data with a network of like-minded paranormal research groups world-wide to support the advancement of our field.